Monday, June 28, 2010

Not Me, Monday

Okay family and friends, here's another "Not Me" post that you can laugh at me about and then secretly admit to yourself that sometimes, you might do the same things...

On Tuesday when we got back from Florida, I washed a load of laundry from our trip. However it was NOT me that left that load of laundry in the washing machine until Wednesday morning where I had to rewash it twice because I was too tired and lazy to throw the laundry in the dryer on Tuesday night. I'm super mom! I am never too tired or lazy to do laundry.

It is most certainly not me who allowed my two year old son to pick up the m&m candies off the floor and eat them after I had dropped them making candy cookies for the kids. Good Heavens! Think of all the germs...I'm a much better mommy than that.

Finally, it was definitely not me who called the Kidney Foundation on Friday and made an appointment to have them come and pick up things I was donating that day and then forgot to put the items out on the porch where they left a nice "sorry we missed you"note. I would never be so thoughtless and forgetful.

So what about you? What have you "not" done this week? Remember, to read more "Not Me, Monday" posts from blogs all over the world, go to

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