Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was reminded to remember tonight...

Sometimes we get so bogged down with life, so frustrated, so irritated, so angry, so scared...
Sometimes we feel as if everything in our life is out of control and we forget...
We forget the things our Lord has done for us.
Sometimes, we forget the things He has brought us through.

So tonight I will reflect
I will remember the things my Lord has brought me through.

I will remember the time JJ and I were struggling in our marriage and the Lord spoke to me and gave me words that I have continued to hold onto when times get tough and I remember to "Just Stand."

I will remember when financially my back was against the wall in a certain situation, I cried out to God in the middle of the night, the next day I woke up and upon returning home there was a large lump sum check in my mailbox sent as part of my financial aide that I thought I had already received.

I will remember when the doctor told me I would have to deliver my son at 29 weeks...I was so scared... I prayed, I fell on my knees and asked God for His help. Buddy was born at 38 weeks gestation in perfect health.

I will remember when I delivered Jay, my first child, and I was losing too much blood, the doctor said a hysterectomy. I was 19. My dad called my Nana to have her pray...everyone prayed...bleeding stopped...I have three children now.

I will remember times when I thought death was the answer. I will remember times I was left in a drug and alcohol filled house by myself at night. I will remember the times He has seen me through even when I couldn't fathom a possible solution.

I will remember His goodness.
I will remember His grace.
I will remember His love for me.
I will remember, it's in His hands.

Then I thought, "To this I will appeal:
the years of the right hand of the Most High."
I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will meditate on all your works
and consider all your mighty deeds.
Psalm 77:10-12

Monday, June 28, 2010

Not Me, Monday

Okay family and friends, here's another "Not Me" post that you can laugh at me about and then secretly admit to yourself that sometimes, you might do the same things...

On Tuesday when we got back from Florida, I washed a load of laundry from our trip. However it was NOT me that left that load of laundry in the washing machine until Wednesday morning where I had to rewash it twice because I was too tired and lazy to throw the laundry in the dryer on Tuesday night. I'm super mom! I am never too tired or lazy to do laundry.

It is most certainly not me who allowed my two year old son to pick up the m&m candies off the floor and eat them after I had dropped them making candy cookies for the kids. Good Heavens! Think of all the germs...I'm a much better mommy than that.

Finally, it was definitely not me who called the Kidney Foundation on Friday and made an appointment to have them come and pick up things I was donating that day and then forgot to put the items out on the porch where they left a nice "sorry we missed you"note. I would never be so thoughtless and forgetful.

So what about you? What have you "not" done this week? Remember, to read more "Not Me, Monday" posts from blogs all over the world, go to

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Whew! I'm finally back from our Florida vacation and things should be settling down now. As you know, J.J. and I went on a week cruise at the end of May. When we came back, I was home for two weeks and then I went off to Florida for a family reunion with my dad, mom, and the kids (hubby had to work). I can't believe next Thursday will be the first day of July. Time sure does fly by.

The family reunion was really nice. It was in Port St. Lucie. My Grandaddy, Nana, brother, sister-in-law, aunts, uncles, and several cousins were all there. I really enjoyed the visit except for the part when my 86 year old Nana got very ill and ended up having to have emergency surgery. However, she is doing much better but please keep her in your prayers.

Along with visiting Port St. Lucie, we also spent a few days at Daytona Beach where we saw jellyfish, dolphins, crabs, and stingrays that were swimming in the water along with us. The girls spent most of their time in the ocean boogie boarding. They had a blast. My mom (who has always been afraid of the water) also jumped in and spent some time catching waves on the board.

The last two days of our trip we stayed in Orlando at a beautiful resort where we had a two bedroom suite the size of a large apartment. The kids had a great time in the pool there and Jay and Binky even participated in slide races that they had at the pool. They didn't win but they had a lot of fun. Our last night in Florida was spent at Dowtown Disney where we ate at the T-Rex Cafe (SO MUCH FUN!) and ate a pie pan filled with 8 scoops of ice cream along with syrup toppings, nuts, sprinkles, and way too much whip cream! (Papa was in all his glory.)

We had a lot of fun and I feel so blessed to be able to be apart of such an amazing family!!!